If you’re looking for help using the system or think you’ve found a possible bug, please consult our General FAQs for information about common questions or issues for both administrators and participants.

If you still can’t find what you need, you can use our ServiceDesk customer support portal to ask for help. When adding a ticket to ServiceDesk you should follow the steps below to help us help you:

1. Capture screenshots of the the problem/outcome, and if possible, what you tried to do and what happened. You can easily capture screenshots and screen videos using free tools like Jing. To take screenshots directly from your computers:

  • For Mac: Press Command + Shift + 4
  • For PC: Press Alt + PrintScreen (Prtscrn) or use the Snipping Tool

2. Take note of the following information:

  • The person is experiencing the issue (are they a participant, administrator, researcher, etc.)
  • The browser the person was using (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.), and
  • The operating system they are using (PC or Mac).

3. Have another individual (a staff member, participant, etc.) replicate your steps, and see if they experience the same problem. Also take note of the browser they used, and the operating system they are using.

4. Report the information from Steps 1 - 3 in ServiceDesk, our new customer service portal. When reporting your issue:

  • For the issue title: Please specify the problem and the registry you are in. For example, "Welcome survey not loading in PXE registry" is a more descriptive title than "Survey not loading in our registry".
  • In the description, briefly describe what you tried to do, what happened, and the desired outcome. Please also include information you captured from Steps 1 -3.
  • If it is a participant related issue, always include the Foreign Key ID of the participant in the description. If there is not Foreign Key ID associated with the participant, please include the participant's full name and email address.

If you need additional assistance using ServiceDesk, please reach out to Kyungsun at gro.ecnaillaciteneg|eelk#gro.ecnaillaciteneg|eelk.